
This is a list of some of my projects (Not nearly all of them!). Some of these projects are way older than this website, so I just copied the ReadMe file into here. Also, i have started out with GitHub, but am now migrating to Codeberg. Usually I will only add the link to the migrated repository on Codeberg, but sometimes I'll also put up the GitHub repository.

????-??-?? > bone transduction headphones WIP
????-??-?? > mp3 player WIP
????-??-?? > myfetch WIP
2024-08-25 > keeb TODO keebs with bongo cat QMK
2023-10-19 > NeoMacropad second revision of the Pico-Macropad
2023-07-12 > Skully ergobleds with web interface
2022-09-23 > Pico Macropad A configurable macropad based on the Raspberry Pi Pico
2021-12-19 > snake TODO
2021-07-03 > rotationsmatrizen TODO
2021-06-25 > Rubiks-Cube-LED-Cube TODO
2021-05-03 > trail TODO